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Order Paintings Reproductions Notre-Dame de Paris and the Bridge of the Archeveche by Albert-Charles Lebourg (Albert-Marie Lebourg) (1849-1928, France) |

Buy Framed Print Notre-Dame De Paris And The Bridge Of The Archeveche (Albert-Charles Lebourg (Albert-Marie Lebourg))

Hand made oil painting Print on canvas Print on metal Print on Acrylic Group set of textured prints

Albert-Charles Lebourg (Albert-Marie Lebourg)

Albert Lebourg, a renowned French Impressionist painter, captured the essence and beauty of various locations in his oil paintings. One such masterpiece is "Notre-Dame de Paris and the Bridge of the Archeveche," which showcases the iconic cathedral and its surrounding landscape.

About Albert Lebourg

Albert Lebourg (1849-1928) was a French Impressionist and Post-Impressionist landscape painter of the Rouen School. He initially studied architecture before entering the École des Beaux-Arts in Rouen, where he developed his passion for painting.

The Painting: Notre-Dame de Paris and the Bridge of the Archeveche

"Notre-Dame de Paris and the Bridge of the Archeveche" is a captivating oil painting that highlights the intricate details of the cathedral and its surrounding environment. The bridge, which connects the Île de la Cité to the Left Bank, adds an extra layer of charm to this iconic landmark.

The Impressionism Style

Impressionism is a style that emerged in France during the late 19th century. It focuses on capturing the sensory effect of a scene, rather than its details. The movement was characterized by small, thin yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles.

Discover More Albert Lebourg Paintings at

At, we offer high-quality reproductions of famous artworks, including "Notre-Dame de Paris and the Bridge of the Archeveche" by Albert Lebourg. Our handmade oil paintings are meticulously crafted to bring you the finest replicas available.

Experience the beauty and charm of Albert Lebourg's masterpiece with a handmade oil painting reproduction from




The frame is made of high-quality wood, which ensures durability and premium quality. With a width of 5 cm and a thickness of 3 cm, it provides a strong yet elegant frame for paintings of various sizes. A classic frame with a rich golden tone, designed to complement works of art from various periods, including Renaissance to Baroque, and even classical 19th century art. Its exquisite detail and traditional color make it an ideal choice for classic portraits, landscapes and still lifes in warm tones, enhancing the historical and aesthetic value of such works of art.
The frame is made of high-quality wood, which ensures durability and premium quality. With a width of 5 cm and a thickness of 3 cm, it provides a strong yet elegant frame for paintings of various sizes. A classic frame with a rich golden tone, designed to complement works of art from various periods, including Renaissance to Baroque, and even classical 19th century art. Its exquisite detail and traditional color make it an ideal choice for classic portraits, landscapes and still lifes in warm tones, enhancing the historical and aesthetic value of such works of art.

Total: 196 USD

Print on 100% cotton Art canvas

ArtsDotCom use the latest printing technology to produce archival-quality textured cotton canvas prints that will give pleasure on your wall for a long time to come. Textured print gives to your painting reproduction a brushstroke/texture effect, which gives incredible look of a real oil canvas masterpiece.
ArtsDotCom use only the most modern and efficient printing technology on our 100% cotton canvas 400Gsm, based on the Giclee printing procedure. This innovative high-resolution printing technique results in durable and spectacular looking prints of the highest quality. ArtsDotCom only uses the highest quality inks, with extreme UV resistance. Your artwork will hold its beautiful colors for up to 75 years!
Textured print perfectly suits for Fine Art reproductions! ArtsDotCom Team suggest to order acrylic print for colorful,familly and modernphotos.

Order Paintings Reproductions Notre-Dame de Paris and the Bridge of the Archeveche by Albert-Charles Lebourg (Albert-Marie Lebourg) (1849-1928, France) |


  • Print on 100% cotton Art canvas
  • PrintsOnCanvas [{A-8DNUVD}]
  • Dim(21 x 13 inches (53.3 x 33 cm))
  • DC(BGYKD05)
  • Shipping(Slow)
  • GlossyTextured
  • NamePlate
  • FRAME(W398PJ)
  • Albert-Charles Lebourg (Albert-Marie Lebourg)-Notre-Dame de Paris and t...
  • Discount of -2 USD on the print
  • Worldwide DHL/Fedex Shipping
  • Quality nameplate for your Painting
  • With insurance of refund 100% of all eventual fees including customs taxes
  • Total:196 USD

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Promotion: BGYKD05 activated !


Quality nameplate for your Painting

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Margins around the painting (for unframed canvas only)

Margins around the painting (for unframed canvas only)

Brushstrokes / Texture

The brushstrokes effect is an extra feature that adds even more realism to the giclee canvas print. The result is a rich textured relief similar to the one found in the original oil painting.

Gift Service

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Customs taxes refund

Worldwide shipping

Average delivery time by DHL/Fedex is one week based on your location. Average delivery time by Slow post is 10-30 days. (Slow Post is available only for package less than 20 inches) We will sent you the tracking code after framing, packaging and shipping.

Paintings are rarely damaged or lost during shipping. If it does happen, we will make a new painting for you and ship it free of charge.

We ship to 150 countries. Shipping is free to all countries.

If the delivery company ask you to pay customs taxes. will refund you all taxes paid.

If you return the Artwork within the 30-days period, you will be refunded 100% of your original payment.

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