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Purchase Oil Painting Replica Boy with a glass of water by Adolph Von Menzel (1815-1905, Poland) | ArtsDot.com

Boy with a glass of water

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Adolph Von Menzel

A Life of Artistic Excellence (1815-1905)

Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel, a German Realist artist, left an indelible mark on the world of art with his drawings, etchings, and paintings. Born in Breslau, Silesia (now Wroclaw, Poland), on December 8, 1815, Menzel's life was a testament to his dedication to capturing the essence of reality through his art.

Early Life and Training

Menzel's father, a lithographer, initially intended for his son to become a professor. However, Adolph's passion for art prevailed, leading him to briefly study at the Berlin Academy of Art in 1833. He then became self-taught, honing his skills through tireless practice.

Artistic Achievements

Legacy and Impact

Menzel's posthumous reputation was largely built upon his graphic works and informal paintings. His influence extended beyond Germany, with Edgar Degas admiring and copying his work, calling him "the greatest living master." Menzel's association with French and English art is evident in his genre paintings, such as The French Window and The Palace Garden of Prince Albert.

Museums Featuring Menzel's Work

Experience the brilliance of Adolph Von Menzel's art by exploring his works on WahooArt.com.
