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Buy Museum Art Reproductions Last Judgement (detail), 1431 by Fra Angelico (1395-1455, Italy) | ArtsDot.com

Last Judgement (detail)

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Fra Angelico

Early Life and Career

Fra Angelico, OP, was an Early Renaissance Italian painter born in 1395 in Italy. His birth name is not known, but he became famous for his devout religious paintings as a Dominican friar. He is also known by his monikers Fra Giovanni da Fiesole and Fra Giovanni Angelico, while posthumously, he was referred to as Beato Angelico, reflecting his beatification by Pope John Paul II in 1982 for his pious life.

Artistic Style and Significance

Angelico's distinction lies not only in his artistic prowess but also in the spiritual fervor that his works encapsulated, earning him the official title "Blessed" by the Catholic Church. His artistry and holiness were so intermingled that Giorgio Vasari, a renowned art historian, asserted that no amount of praise could suffice for Angelico's work, which was marked by an inherent humility and piety.

Museums and Collections

The Museum of San Marco, Florence, an ancient Dominican monastery, houses one of the largest collections of works by Fra Angelico. This institution offers a glimpse into a perfectly preserved 15th-century convent, featuring the artist's unique style characterized by a contemplative melancholy that resonates with the Dominican order's spirituality. Recommended Reading: * [https://WahooArt.com/@@/A@D3BHUX](The Museum of San Marco, Florence: A Haven for Renaissance Art) * [https://WahooArt.com/@/Fra Angelico](Fra Angelico | 491 Artworks Fra Angelico | Order Art Reproductions) View More Works by Fra Angelico: * Fra Angelico: [https://WahooArt.com/@@/8XZ94P-Fra-Angelico-Perugia-Altarpiece-(in-modern-frame)](Perugia Altarpiece (in modern frame)) * The Annunciation: [https://WahooArt.com/@@/9GEK4B-Fra-Angelico-St-Lawrence-giving-alms](St Lawrence giving alms)
