Giuseppe Recco was an Italian still life painter.
Born in Naples, he likely apprenticed with his family, including his father Giacomo Recco and uncle Giovan Battista Recco. His children Nicolo and Elena also became painters. A large part of his output was painted in Spain, where his assemblies of victuals, both vegetable and animal, were popular. It is claimed he was influenced by the neapolitan Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo.
Recco died at Alicante, Spain.
A Still Life of Roses, Carnations, Tulips and other Flowers in a glass Vase, with Pastries and Sweetmeats on a pewter Platter and earthenware Pots
Still-Life with Fish
Still life vegetables and fruits
Still life with flowers
Still life with fish and copper vesels
Still-life with the Five Senses