Federico Zuccari, also known as Federico Zuccaro were disliked by Philip II and many were painted over. However the parting was amicable:"We must not blame him, but those who sent him to us", said Philip. He was succeeded by Pellegrino Tibaldi. He there founded in 1595, under a charter confirmed by Pope Sixtus V, the Accademia di San Luca, of which he was the first president. Bartolomeo Carducci is said to have studied with him.
Like his Giorgio Vasari a generation before, Zuccari aimed at being an art critic and historian. His chief book, L'idea de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti (1607), was far less popular.
Zuccari was raised to the rank of cavaliere not long before his death, which took place at Ancona in 1609.