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Buy Museum Art Reproductions Design for the Decoration of the Front Wall of a Chapel, 1575 by Carlo Urbino (1525-1585, Italy) | ArtsDot.com

Design for the Decoration of the Front Wall of a Chapel

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Carlo Urbino

Carlo Urbino was an Italian painter of the Renaissance.
He was born in Crema. His style recalls the mannerist work of the Campi family: Antonio, Bernardino, and Giulio . He trained in the Veneto and is known to have participated in drawings for a treatise on the science of armaments by Camillo Agrippa. In 1556, he painted the canvas of Christ and Mother and an Assumption of the Virgin for Santa Maria presso San Celso in Milan. He helped decorate a Chapel in Santa Maria della Passione. Later he worked with Bernardino Campi, for example in the Transfiguration (1565) in the church of San Fedele in Milan. The canvas of Doubting Thomas is found in the Pinacoteca di Brera. He painted in the Chapel of the Angels in Sant'Eustorgio, a Pentecost in the church of San Marco. In the 1570s, he returned to Crema, where he painted a canvas for the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Croce, and in Sabbioneta, painted frescoes for the Palazzo del Giardino of Vespasiano Gonzaga.

